React is an open-source JavaScript library developed by Facebook. It is used for building web applications and user interfaces. React follows a component-based approach and enhances application performance by utilizing a virtual DOM. React is a powerful tool for creating and managing user interfaces and is supported by a large developer community.

My Website(with React)

A version of my own website completely using React and Tailwind Css. I also made my project faster and more usable with React Router. I tried to reduce css codes to a minimum.

Project Link
Tailwind CSS React React Router

Messaging App

Hello. I am happy to share with you my application I made with react router. You can also think of it as a job tracking system. Sometimes there may be problems in the system. Since it is still in the development phase, some parts do not work. I am waiting for your feedback, thank you.

Project Link
React Router

My Website

In this project, I am building a website using Tailwind CSS and ThreeJS. When it is finished, I plan to publish it as my own website. I also try to make the site more beautiful with 3D models.

Project Link
Tailwind CSS React Three JS React Router


I just did tic-tac-toe :)

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