As a 19-year-old, I love using a computer. That's exactly why I started my curiosity about software. I know how to use most applications, and I learn what I don't know right away. I love chatting with my friends, I am a friendly personality. I also love learning new things. I get busy with things like English, new software languages, web series, etc.


We have launched a 4 person (2 Frontend + 2Backend) film review and scoring site. All interactions within the site are active, you can be a member of the site and score movies and also make comments. There is also an admin panel of the site, from which we can follow the roles of the members. Explore for more.

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HTML CSS JavaScript .Net MsSql


4 people worked together on this project. Together with my friends, we tried to implement the design we received from Figma. When you enter the project, the "Appendix-Page" buttons at the top will take you to the detail pages. I made the part titled "Brain Ford" on the first page, the chart part on the additional page 1, and the navbar part on the additional page 2.

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I only worked on this project myself. It's the first project I've done from Figma and it's also the first responsive work I've done. So the codes can be a bit amateurish. Most of the photos were set as background by design. There are two detail pages on the page and can be navigated via navbar.

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I made this page in the same way with my teammates. I did the part up to that point, including the "Redefining Product Features" field on the first page. On the Our products page, I only did the "Latest Blog Posts" section.

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ToDo List

In this project, I tried to make a todolist with javascript. Normally all their accents were working but it broke down when updating. You can add todo with Enter and mouse, and when you press it, you can draw a line on top of todo.

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HTML CSS JavaScript

Shopping App

In this project, I pulled data from the website called "DummyJSON" with JSON and printed it on the screen. The add to cart and favoriteing function works. But unfortunately it disappears when the page is refreshed. The filter buttons in the left menu work. But unfortunately it has no function.

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